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Bored of the Same Old Party? The Ultimate Guide to Drinking Card Games

Okay, let’s be real. We’ve all been to those parties where the energy fizzles out faster than a cheap beer. But hey, it doesn’t have to be this way! Time to level up and introduce you to the magic of drinking card games.

Think of it: your best buds, a classic deck of cards, your favourite drinks, and a whole lot of laughter (and maybe some good-natured trash-talking). It’s more than just drinking – it’s about creating the kind of party where the fun never stops.

This is your guide to the good stuff. We’re talking classics with a boozy spin, plus some new games that’ll blow your mind. Whether you’re chilling with a few friends or throwing a full-blown bash, these drinking card games are about to become your secret weapon.

So, ditch the boring party playlists, grab those drinks, and get ready to turn things up a notch – your next epic night starts right here.


Asshole isn’t your grandma’s bridge game.

It’s a cutthroat battle for card-shedding supremacy. Get rid of your cards faster than anyone else to climb the ranks and become the next round’s President.

But beware, one wrong move and you could end up the lowly Asshole, fetching drinks and serving the whims of your royal “superior.”

Buckle up, because Asshole is a hilarious and fast-paced game that’ll have you strategizing, laughing, and maybe even crying (if you end up the Asshole for too long!).

Lowdown on Asshole:

  • Goal: Ditch your cards before anyone else to become the President.
  • Gameplay: A mix of strategy and speed. Play higher cards or matching cards to force drinks on others. Clear the pile with special cards.
  • The Power Struggle: The President makes the rules, the Vice President gets special swaps, and the Asshole serves everyone (and cleans up the mess!).
  • Drinking: Get ready to toast (or groan) with every skipped turn, played 2, and Presidential decree. Be warned, the Asshole life is a thirsty one!

High or Low: Your Luck, Your Call

Forget complex rules – High or Low is pure, adrenaline-charged card game chaos. Guess right, and you’re a hero. Guess wrong, and you’re taking a sip. This game levels the playing field, making it the ultimate party starter and a boozy battle of the wits.

The Rules are Easy, The Thrills Aren’t

  • One Card Starts It All: Flip a card from the deck.
  • Higher or Lower? Players take turns guessing if the next card is higher or lower than the face-up card.
  • Right or Wrong: Guess right? You’re safe. Guess wrong? Prepare to sip.

Why You’ll Get Hooked

  • Anyone Can Play: Card newbies and seasoned sharks all stand a chance.
  • The Tension is Real: Every flip is a gamble – sip or survive?
  • Fortune Shifts Fast: Get on a roll, and you’ll laugh as those drinks pile up for your opponents.

High or Low is the perfect game for those nights where you want big laughs, a little bit of luck, and a guaranteed good time with drinks in hand.

Circle of Death

Craving a chaotic card game drenched in laughter and surprise? Circle of Death is your ticket to unforgettable (and maybe slightly blurry) party nights. This game throws strategy out the window and replaces it with pure, unpredictable fun.

How to Unleash the Chaos

  • The Setup: Gather ’round a table with a drink in the center, cards spread face-down in an unbreakable circle.
  • The Draw: Take turns flipping cards. Each card means a different action – make a rule, become the question master, start a waterfall of drinks… the possibilities are hilarious.
  • Why It’s a Blast: Everyone’s involved, every card is a surprise, and the actions get wilder as the game goes on.

Quick Rule Guide

  • King: You make the rules (but the 4th King gets a nasty surprise!)
  • Queen: Reign as Question Master – ask away, and others must answer.
  • Jack: Thumb Master time! Subtly put your thumb on the table, the last one to copy drinks.
  • Ace: Waterfall! Everyone chugs until the person before them stops.

And so much more, check out the guide below.

This game is absolutely mental, and you’ve got to have your wits about you if you’re committing to play. One you’ll never just play once, that’s for sure.

Give One, Take One

Want a party game that’s easy to learn, keeps everyone on their toes, and gets the drinks flowing? It’s time for Give One, Take One. This simple card game is all about passing around the good vibes… and the sips!

How It Works

  • Sit in a Circle: Players cozy up for maximum interaction.
  • Deal the Cards: Each player gets a set number of cards face-down.
  • The Twist of Fate: Take turns flipping a card. The number decides if you “give” drinks to others, or “take” a few yourself.

Why It’s a Blast

  • No One’s Left Out: Everyone’s got a chance to be the generous giver or the lucky recipient.
  • Keeps You Guessing: Will the next card be your lucky break or someone else’s?
  • Simple Fun, Big Laughs: No complex rules, just pure anticipation and strategic drink distribution.

Quick Breakdown

  • Cards are dealt face-down.
  • Flip a card, the number tells you how many drinks to “give” or “take”.
  • Aces mean everyone drinks, Kings let you change the direction of play.
  • The game ends when everyone’s out of cards.

Want a more detailed lowdown? Check out the complete guide below and you’ll probably discover a new favourite!

Indian Poker

Gamble on what you can’t see, but forget holding your cards close.

In Indian Poker, your card is literally on your forehead for everyone else to see – but you remain in the dark! This suspense-filled twist on traditional poker is all about bluffing, betting, and figuring out who’s got the best hand without knowing your own.

How to Play

  • Show Your Card (But Don’t Look!): Everyone draws a card and places it face-out on their forehead.
  • The Betting Begins: Based on what you can see, take turns betting on who you think has the highest card.
  • Reveal and Reward: The moment of truth! Everyone reveals their cards, and the winner takes the pot.

Why It’s a Blast

  • The Thrill of Uncertainty: Not knowing your own hand keeps the tension high!
  • Bluffing is King: Convince others you have a high card, even if you don’t.
  • Easy to Learn, Impossible to Master: The rules are simple, but the strategy runs deep.

Quick Breakdown

  • Deal each player one card face-down.
  • Players place the card on their forehead without looking.
  • Betting rounds ensue, with players raising, folding, or calling.
  • Showdown! Everyone reveals, and the highest card wins.

Bluff Me: The Art of the Poker Face

Do you have what it takes to sell a lie with a straight face? In Bluff Me, your bluffing skills are your ultimate weapon. This game of deception is all about convincing your opponents that the cards you lay down are exactly what you say they are… even if they’re not.

How to Weave a Web of Lies

  • Start the Pile: Players take turns placing cards face-down in the center, announcing their value (3s, two Queens, etc.)
  • Call the Bluff: Anyone can yell “Bluff!” to challenge the current play.
  • Truth or Consequences: If the bluff is successful, the challenger drinks. False accusation? The bluffer drinks instead.

Why Bluff Me is Addicting

  • Master the Poker Face: Can you hide that smirk when you’re laying down junk cards?
  • Battle of the Minds: Read your opponents, predict their calls, and adjust your strategy.
  • Suspense with Every Card: Will they get away with it, or will their bluff crumble?
  • Quick and Hilarious: The fast pace and potential for both brilliant wins and epic fails creates a whirlwind of laughter.

Quick Breakdown

  • Deal a set number of cards to each player.
  • Players place cards face-down in a central pile, declaring their rank.
  • Anyone can call “Bluff!” – if they’re right, the bluffer drinks.
  • If the accuser is wrong, they drink instead.
  • Game continues until one player is out of cards.

Thirty-One: Aim for the Magic Number

Forget complex rules – Thirty-One is about simple strategy and the thrill of the chase. Your mission: collect three cards of the same suit that add up to a total of 31. Get as close as you can without going over, and you’ll rule the round.

How the Game Unfolds

  • Cards Are Key: Face cards count as 10, Aces are worth 11, and all others hold their numerical value.
  • Draw and Discard: On your turn, take a card from either the deck or the top discard. Swap it with one in your hand, aiming to hit that perfect 31.
  • Risk vs. Reward: Each round is a race, and the player with the lowest hand at the end drinks!

Why Thirty-One Rocks

  • Think Fast, Play Faster: The constant draw-and-discard keeps the pace snappy and the strategy flowing.
  • Every Move Matters: Do you grab that tempting discard, or play it safe? Each decision impacts not only you, but your opponents too.
  • Intense to the End: Everyone’s in it until the final card is played, making for unpredictable finishes and exciting comebacks.

Quick Breakdown

  • Deal a set number of cards to each player.
  • Players take turns drawing from the deck or discard pile, then discarding one card.
  • Aim for 31 in a single suit. Go over, and you’re out for the round.
  • Player with the lowest value hand at the end of each round drinks.

Pyramid: Bluff Your Way to the Top

Want a game that combines memory, bluffing, and a whole lot of chaotic fun? Pyramid is your answer! Your goal: remember the cards being flipped, avoid drinking yourself, and strategically force drinks on your unsuspecting friends.

How to Play Pyramid

  • Build the Base: Deal out cards in a pyramid shape, starting with one card at the top and increasing rows below (e.g., 1-2-3-4-5).
  • Flip and Match: One by one, cards are flipped face-up. If you have the matching card in your hand, you drink!
  • The Bluff Factor: Don’t have the card? Bluff it! Pretend you do and choose someone else to drink. But beware: anyone can call “Bluff!”
  • Busted or Brilliant: A successful bluff means your opponent drinks double. Get caught? You drink instead.

Why Pyramid is a Blast

  • Memory Matters: Remembering past cards is key, adding a sneaky brain-training bonus.
  • Deception is Encouraged: The thrill of a believable bluff, or the triumph of calling someone out… it’s delicious!
  • Guaranteed Giggles: Between sneaky bluffs and unexpected challenges, Pyramid delivers non-stop laughter.

Quick Breakdown

  • Deal cards out in a pyramid shape, face-down.
  • Flip cards one at a time. If you have a match in your hand, drink.
  • Bluff and pass the drink to someone else… but they can challenge you!
  • Correct challenges = the bluffer drinks. Incorrect challenges = the challenger drinks double.

Honorable Mentions: More Games, More Fun

The world of drinking games is a vast and ever-evolving playground! While we’ve deep-dived into some of the all-time greats, there’s always room for more. Let’s take a quick tour of some honorable mentions that are guaranteed to bring their own unique brand of chaos to your next party:

  • Snap: This childhood classic gets a boozy twist. Match the top card to the one before, shout “Snap!” and watch as slow reflexes lead to drinks for the hesitant.
  • Drunk Chess: Who said strategy games can’t be fun? Add a drinking penalty for each captured piece, and suddenly even the most seasoned chess player might make a blunder or two.
  • Battle Shots: Think Battleship, but with a shot glass replacing every sunken ship. Successful hits mean your opponent drinks – it’s a boozy battle for naval supremacy!
  • Drunk War: The classic card game War gets an adult upgrade. Lose a hand, take a drink. Lose the war… well, let’s just say it’s gonna be a long night.

These games each bring their own hilarious twists, guaranteeing a night filled with laughter, unexpected victories, and maybe even a few questionable decisions. Remember, it’s about the fun and the memories made along the way! So gather your friends, choose your game, and let the good times (and the drinks!) flow freely.

Wrapping It Up

From crafty bluffs to surprise victories, we’ve explored a whole world of hilarious, competitive fun. Whether it’s Thirty-One’s race to the perfect hand, Pyramid’s memory challenge and sneaky deceptions, or the unpredictable chaos of Kings Cup, card games have a way of bringing people together.

They’re not about complicated rulebooks or intense tournaments. Card games are about the laughs, the smack talk, those “I can’t believe I fell for that!” moments. These games turn a quiet gathering into an unforgettable evening of stories and inside jokes.

So the next time you’re with friends, whether it’s a planned party or a spur-of-the-moment hangout, break out a deck of cards. Deal out a hand, pour some drinks, and let the fun unfold. Who knows what hilarious memories you’ll make?

And remember, this is just the beginning! The world of card games is endless – so if you loved these guides, stay tuned.

Keep checking back with us here at With Love for Games for more exciting ways to play, drink, and laugh with the people you love.