How to Play Slam Dice Game

Slam Dice is all about quick thinking, fast rolling, and a keen eye for that elusive Slam number. Players take turns rolling the dice, trying to rack up points by matching the Slam number or even scoring a coveted Small Slam or Grand Slam.

But watch out – one wrong roll and your turn could be over in the blink of an eye!

What You’ll Need

  • 3 dice
  • A score sheet
  • 2 or more players

How to Play

  1. To start, one player rolls a single die to determine the Slam number.
  2. The first player then rolls all three dice, scoring one point for each Slam number rolled.
  3. If the player rolls two Slam numbers, it’s a Small Slam worth 5 points! Roll three Slam numbers and it’s a Grand Slam, instantly ending the game with a whopping 15 points!
  4. If no Grand Slam is rolled, the player continues rolling until no Slam numbers appear, then passes the dice to the next player.
  5. The game continues until one player reaches exactly 15 points (or rolls a Grand Slam), ending the game.

How to Win (or Lose): In Slam Dice, there’s no one winner – instead, the last player to reach 15 points is the loser! It’s a game of skill, luck, and a little bit of friendly competition as you race to rack up those points and avoid being the last one standing.

Tips to Play

  1. Keep a close eye on your score – you don’t want to overshoot 15 and lose your chance at victory!
  2. If you’re at 14 points, consider rolling just one or two dice to increase your chances of hitting that magic number.
  3. Remember, a Grand Slam ends the game instantly, so always be ready for that lucky roll!
  4. Most importantly, have fun and embrace the fast-paced, high-energy excitement of Slam Dice!

So gather your friends, family, or even that random group of strangers at the bus stop (okay, maybe not them) and get ready to Slam your way to a great time with this classic dice game!