How to Play BS, Cheat, Bluff Card Game Cover Image

How to Play BS / Cheat / Bluff / Doubt Card Game

Ever wish you could read your friend’s mind? Well, in “Cheat” (or whatever your crew calls it), you’ll need those telepathic skills! Get ready to bluff, doubt, and outsmart your way to victory.

Just remember, if you get caught lying… prepare to hear the sweet symphony of that “BS!” accusation ringing in your ears.

How to Play Bullshit / Cheat / Call My Bluff / Doubt

What You’ll Need

  • A standard deck of 52 cards (no Jokers required)
  • 3 or more players with a knack for lying (or acting like they’re telling the truth!)
  • A table or playing surface
  • A sense of humor – this game gets chaotic and hilarious!


The goal is simple: be the first player to get rid of all your cards. The twist? You can lie about the cards you’re playing! If you get away with it, you’re one step closer to victory. But beware, if someone catches you in a bluff, you’ll pay the price.


  1. Deal the Cards: Deal the entire deck evenly among the players.
  2. Starting the Shenanigans: Start with the player left from the dealer. They begin by placing one or more cards face down on the centre of the table face down and announcing what those cards are (they may or may not be telling the truth!). Example: “Three Aces”.
  3. Passing or Challenging: The next player has a choice:
    • Pass: They accept the previous play (either believing or not wanting to risk challenging) and lay down their own face-down cards of the next sequential rank. Ex: If the previous play was Aces, the next player must play either one or more 2s.
    • Challenge!: If they think the previous player is bluffing, they shout “Doubt!”, “Cheat!”, or the always-popular “BS!”.
  4. The Reveal: If a challenge is issued, the accused player turns over their cards:
    • Caught Red-handed: If they were lying, they pick up the entire pile of cards!
    • Truth Teller: If they were telling the truth, the challenger takes the entire pile.
  5. Keep it Going: Play continues clockwise in this manner. The game ends when a player has cleared their hand and got rid of all their cards!

Winning the War of Wits

The first player to get rid of all their cards, through cunning bluffs or honest plays, wins the game and earns bragging rights as the master of deception!

A five-step infographic titled let's play Cheat / Bluff, detailing the steps of the card game

Tips for Ultimate Deception in Cheat

  • Confidence is Key: Sell your lies with conviction – a hesitant “two 5s…” won’t fool anyone.
  • Poker Face Perfection: Don’t give away your bluffs with a smirk or nervous tells.
  • Mix it Up: Don’t always bluff. Play truthfully sometimes to keep your opponents guessing.
  • Know When to Fold: Calling every possible bluff is risky! Sometimes, it’s better to pass and conserve your challenging power for later.

Variations of Cheat, Bluff, I Doubt It, BS

There’s a very common variation where you only deal six or seven cards out to players in the beginning and the remaining cards go in the centre as a draw pile.

You play the game normally, but when someone is caught bluffing or the challenger calls someone’s bluff incorrectly, they draw three cards from the draw pile.

This may be a more suitable version for kids who don’t want to be overloaded with cards!

Can you play Cheat with 2 people?

While Cheat is best with a larger group (the more deception, the merrier!), you can technically play with two people. However, here’s why it might not be the most fulfilling experience:

  • Less Deception: The whole fun of Cheat is trying to bluff your way past multiple people. With only two players, it’s much easier to spot a lie.
  • More Predictable: You’ll quickly learn your opponent’s playing style and card patterns, making it harder to get away with sneaky plays.

If you’re eager to play Cheat with just one other person, go for it! But for the full chaotic experience, try gathering a few more friends for a truly deceptive showdown.

Ready to unleash your inner con artist?

Gather your friends, shuffle those cards, and let the bluffs, the accusations, and the laughter begin!