
How to Play Blackjack Card Game

Blackjack’s not just a game, it’s legend.

For generations, this classic has been thrilling players with its simple rules and nail-biting suspense. 

Whether you’re a seasoned strategist or ready to learn, this guide has your back. We’ll unlock the secrets of Blackjack, teach you pro tips, and show you why this game has stood the test of time.

What You Need

  • 52-card deck
  • Tokens to bet with (optional)

The Setup

Start with a standard shuffled deck of cards and a dealer. Having a dealer is very important in Blackjack and whoever is dealer will remain in this role for the entire game.

To kick things off, players place their bets. That said, betting is optional and you can always just play to win.

The dealer shuffles the deck and deals two cards to each player, including themselves, usually clockwise from the dealer’s left. Players receive their cards face up, while the dealer has one card face up (the upcard) and one face down (the hole card).

An outline for a blackjack game setup complete with dealer and the hands of four other players.

Player’s Options

Players look at their hand and make decisions based on their total and the dealer’s upcard. The primary choices include the following:

Hit: If a player chooses to “hit”, they’re asking for another card to add to their total.

Stand: If a player is satisfied with their total, they “stand”, and it’s the next player’s turn.

Double Down: Players can double their initial bet and receive exactly one more card. It’s a high-risk, high-reward move.

Split: If the first two cards are a pair, a player can choose to “split” them into two separate hands. An additional bet equal to the original is placed on the new hand.

Dealer’s Turn

Once all players have taken their turns, the dealer reveals their hole card. Most often, if the total is 16 or less, the dealer must hit. If the total is 17 or more, they must stand.

End of The Round

The round ends after the dealer’s turn. If your hand total is closer to 21 than the dealer’s (or if the dealer busts), you win. If both the player and the dealer have the same total or if the dealer’s total is closer to 21, the dealer wins. If the player exceeds 21, it’s a “bust”, and they automatically lose.

Then the dealer collects the cards and the next round begins from the start.

How to Win at Blackjack

To win at Blackjack, you don’t always need to score 21. You just need to be as close as possible, or at least closer than the other players.

Technically, you can “stand” on 14, and if the dealer goes bust, you’ll still win. Remember, you’re playing against the dealer to win, not the other players.

Say you have a collective score of 10.

A top-down view of a Blackjack game were the player has 10 and the dealer cards are still hidden

Now, you’ll typically always hit on a 10 or below because there’s no chance of gaining a card that will put you over “21”. 

If you draw an Ace, you’ll have “21” exactly. If you draw any other picture card, you’ll have 20. 

Since you want another card, you’ll ask the dealer to “hit”.

Awesome, 18. This is good.

Now, you could choose to hit to get closer to 21, but you’re only three away from 21. 

This means you need to hit an Ace, 1, 2, or 3. you have 4/13 chance (16 cards out of 52).

In this particular hand, you already have the Three of Hearts, meaning you can only draw 12/52 games. If there are more players in your game, then your odds of drawing a winning card is even lower. Therefore, you’d generally stand and move onto the next player.

Once all players have repeated this process, the dealer will play their hand.

An overview of a Blackjack game where the player has 18 and the dealer has 19.

The dealer drew 19. 

According to the standard rules, the dealer has to stick on a 17 or above, meaning their score is 19. Anyone with a 20 or above wins. 

If you were betting, only people who scored 20 or 21 would win.

In our example, the player loses. The payouts are given by the dealer and the next round begins.

Different Winning Scenarios

As long as you beat the dealer, either by scoring closer to 21 than them or allowing them to go bust, you win.

In the example below, you can see the player stood on 18. The dealer drew 15 on their dealt hand, meaning they had to hit (their score was under 17). They drew a ten, and so they went bust on 25. 

The player wins.

In the next example, the player drew a King and an Ace. Kings are worth 10 and Aces are worth 11 or 1. This means the player has a straight 21, also known as a Blackjack.

The dealer must now score a Blackjack as well, or they lose. In betting games, having Blackjack will pay out 3 times the bet, rather than 2. Therefore, a $1 bet wins $3, or whatever tokens you’re using.

Don’t get caught in the trap of always trying to get 21 exactly. You may choose to stick on a lower hand with the aim of the dealer going bust, such as the hand below.

What are the rules of Blackjack?

Blackjack (or 21) is all about getting closer to 21 than the dealer, without going over. Think high-stakes staring contest meets card counting! Here’s the gist:

  • You and the dealer get two cards each. Face cards are 10, Aces are 1 or 11 (your choice!).
  • Hit (get another card) or Stand (stay put) to build your hand without exceeding 21 (bust = you lose).
  • Use strategy to know when to hit or stand based on your cards and the dealer’s face-up card.
  • Get 21 exactly with two cards (Blackjack!) for a big win!

Blackjack When to Hit? – Move Cheatsheet

While it’s certainly more fun to play your own hand and learn from scratch, if you’re looking for a general overview of what move you should make based on the hand you have, here’s a cheatsheet to explore of when to hit, when to split, and when to stay.

These are suggested best moves if you’re playing with a single deck of cards at home.

Variations of the Game

Blackjack’s beauty lies in its diversity and the variations are a testament to its adaptability. Let’s look at some popular versions:

  • European Blackjack: Often played in Europe, dealers don’t check for Blackjack until players have completed their hands.
  • Spanish 21: Commonly found in casinos, all the ’10’ cards are removed, creating a 48-card deck instead of the standard 52.
  • Double Exposure Blackjack: Both dealer cards are exposed, offering a strategic twist for the players.
  • Atlantic City Blackjack: Favored on the East Coast of the USA, this variation allows players to surrender their hand and recuperate half their bet.

Understanding these variations not only broadens your Blackjack horizons but also deepens the strategic challenge, making each game more personalized and riveting. Plus, the flexibility to switch between different versions keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting, allowing you to tailor your gaming experience to your taste.

Tips and Strategy

Elevating your Blackjack game is all about sharpening your strategy and understanding the mechanics at play. Here are actionable tips to take your gameplay from good to great:

  • Understand Basic Strategy: Having a basic strategy chart is invaluable. It tells you when to hit, stand, double down, or split based on your hand and the dealer’s upcard.
  • Avoid Insurance Bets: Generally, insurance bets aren’t in the player’s best interest. Stick to your original game strategy.
  • Practice Bankroll Management: Decide on a set amount of money you’re comfortable playing with and stick to it to avoid any unpleasant surprises.
  • Know When to Quit: Recognize when you’re on a losing streak. Walking away at the right time is a strategy in itself.

By incorporating these strategies, not only do you stand a better chance of winning, but you also deepen your appreciation of Blackjack’s intricacies. Remember, skillful application of these tips can significantly shift the odds in your favor.

Is Blackjack the same as 21?

Yes, Blackjack and 21 are the same game! They both refer to the classic card game where your goal is to reach a hand value of 21 (or as close to it as possible) without going bust and beating the dealer’s hand.