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11 Dice Games for Adults That Guarantee a Good Time Every Time

Board games got you bored? 

Ditch the endless property trading and spice up your game nights with these 9 dice games for adults! 

They’re easy to learn, fast-paced, and guaranteed to bring the fun.

1. Slam

Get ready for a whirlwind of dice rolling, quick addition, and a whole lot of yelling “SLAM!” This fast-paced game is all about being the first to spot those lucky combinations and rack up points.

  • Fast-paced and addictive dice game for 2+ players.
  • Mix of luck and quick calculation skills.
  • Perfect for a fun party game or mental math practice.

What You Need

  • 3 standard six-sided dice
  • Score sheet (or just pen and paper)

How to Win

  • The first player to score a total of 15 points wins!

How to Play

  1. Roll and Find the Slam Number: One player rolls a single die. The number rolled becomes the “Slam number” for that round.
  2. Roll and Score: All players roll all 3 dice at once. If any of your dice add up to the Slam number, they form a “Slam.”
    • Single Slam: Two dice add up to the Slam number (worth 1 point)
    • Small Slam: All three dice add up to the Slam number (worth 5 points)
    • Grand Slam: All three dice show the Slam number (automatic win!)
  3. Keep Rolling: If you didn’t score, your turn ends.
  4. Repeat: The next player becomes the “Slam caller” and repeats steps 1-3.

2. Sevens

Looking for a dice game that’s easy to learn and perfect for quick rounds with friends? Sevens is your answer! It’s a straightforward game of chance with just a few rules and plenty of laughs.

  • A simple game of chance that’s perfect for all ages.
  • Easy to learn with just two dice.
  • Offers fast rounds and a race to the finish.

What You Need

  • Two standard six-sided dice
  • Score sheet (or pen and paper)
  • A group of players

How to Play

  1. Set a Goal: Before starting, decide on the target score (like, 100, 500, or even 1000).
  2. Roll and Score: Each player takes turns rolling the two dice. Keep rolling and adding the numbers together until you roll a 7. Your turn ends, and your total score for that round is recorded.
  3. Double Trouble: If you roll doubles, you score DOUBLE the total of those dice! This can supercharge your points.
  4. Race to the End: Keep taking turns until one player reaches the target score. That player wins!

Remember to keep this one fast pace, and if you want to make things super interesting, but a bet on the line. A pound/dollar each to form a small pot, the loser goes out to get drinks or pizza, winner picks movie – whatever floats your boat!

3. Poker Dice

Think you can roll the perfect hand? Poker Dice is the ultimate test of luck and strategic decision-making. Build those classic poker combinations – from a simple pair to a royal flush – using five special dice.

  • A fun twist on classic poker, using five special dice instead of cards.
  • Combines the thrill of dice rolling with the strategy of poker hand building.
  • Perfect for fans of poker or anyone who enjoys a bit of gambling excitement.

What You Need

  • Five standard dice
  • A group of players ready for a poker showdown.

Note: There are actually plenty of specially made Poker dice if you want the real experience – dice with faces instead of numbers! Shop online for them.

Dice Values

Here’s a simple chart to remember:

  • 6 = Ace
  • 5 = King
  • 4 = Queen
  • 3 = Jack
  • 2 = 10
  • 1 = 9

How to Play

  1. Roll for Your Hand: Each player gets three total rolls to create the best poker hand they can.
  2. Hold and Re-Roll: After each roll, you can keep some dice and re-roll the others. Strategic choices are key!
  3. Poker Showdown: After everyone has their final hand, the player with the highest-ranking poker hand wins the round!

Poker Hand Ranking (highest to lowest)

  • Five of a Kind
  • Four of a Kind
  • Full House (Three of a Kind + Pair)
  • Straight (like 10-J-Q-K-A)
  • Three of a Kind
  • Two Pair
  • One Pair
  • Bust (no pairs, just highest die wins)

Ready to roll? Poker Dice is a great way to add a new dimension to your game nights!

4. Ship, Captain, and Crew

Love the unpredictability of dice games?

Battleship, Captain, Mate, and Crew delivers a perfect dose of luck but leaves room for some smart plays too. Roll those bones, build the best crew, and prove yourself the ultimate captain!

  • A dice rolling game that combines luck and a little strategy.
  • It feels like a ship-themed version of Yahtzee!
  • Can be played for stakes or just for fun.

What You Need

  • Five standard six-sided dice
  • A group of players

How to Play

  1. Your Goal: Roll a ship (6), captain (5), and mate (4) in order. Any leftover dice become your score for the round.
  2. Three Rolls: You get three chances to roll the required numbers. You can keep successful rolls and re-roll the rest.
  3. Build Your Crew: If you get all three required numbers, anything left over counts towards your “crew” score. You can keep rolling those extra dice to boost your score!
  4. The Ship Sails On: Keep taking turns until everyone has had their rolls. The player with the highest crew score wins the round!

Variation: If there’s a tie for the highest crew score, everyone tied has to roll again for a sudden-death playoff round!

5. Dice Golf

Love the satisfying roll of dice? Dice Golf delivers! Channel your inner pro golfer as you try to hit those perfect combinations, score low, and claim victory on this unique dice “course.”

  • A fun way to experience the thrill of golf without needing a fancy course.
  • Combines the luck of dice rolling with the challenge of minimizing your score.
  • Perfect for golf fans or anyone who enjoys a bit of friendly competition.

What You Need

  • Three standard six-sided dice
  • Score sheet (or pen and paper)
  • A group of players ready to hit the “dice course”

How to Play

  1. Tee Off: Start each “hole” by rolling all three dice repeatedly until you roll a pair (doubles).
  2. Count Your Strokes: Each roll that isn’t doubles counts as one stroke. Keep rolling and counting until you hit your double!
  3. Par for the Course: Once you roll doubles, that’s your “hole” for that round. Record your total number of strokes for that hole on your scoresheet.
  4. Play a Full Round: Complete 18 “holes” like a real game of golf.
  5. And the Winner is… The player with the lowest total strokes after 18 holes wins!

6. Bunco

Love the thrill of dice but crave a bit of team spirit? Bunco delivers! It’s easy to learn, surprisingly addictive, and the constantly changing teams add a unique social element to the competition.

  • A fast-paced, social dice game perfect for groups and parties.
  • Combines the thrill of rolling with the excitement of a team-based competition.
  • Easy to learn but offers lots of chaotic fun.

What You’ll Need

  • Three dice
  • Scorecards (or pen and paper)
  • A group of players (ideally multiples of four)
  • Tables to play on

How to Play

  1. Match the Round: The game has six rounds, each corresponding to a number on the dice (round one = ones, etc.). Your goal each round is to roll as many of that round’s number as possible.
  2. Score Big: Every time you roll the round’s number, you score a point. Rolling three of those numbers at once is a “Bunco” and worth a whopping 21 points!
  3. Keep Rolling: You can keep rolling to score more points as long as you keep getting the round’s number. Your turns end when you fail to do so.
  4. Tables and Teams: You play with a partner (the person across from you), and after each round, winning teams move up to the next table.
  5. Winning: The game ends after round six. The team with the most points across all rounds wins!

7. Going to Town

Think a dice game is all chance? Going to Town might surprise you! While luck plays a role, there’s room for smart decision-making as you choose which dice to keep and which to re-roll. Perfect for a little lighthearted competition.

  • A simple dice game that’s perfect for kids and adults.
  • Combines a bit of luck with a sprinkle of strategy.
  • Great for practicing number recognition and basic addition.

What You’ll Need

  • Three dice
  • Two or more players ready to compete
  • Score sheet (or just pen and paper)

How to Play

  1. Set Rounds: Decide how many rounds you want to play.
  2. Roll in Stages: On your turn, you’ll roll in three stages:
    • Roll #1: Roll all three dice, keep the highest number.
    • Roll #2: Roll the remaining two dice, again keep the highest.
    • Roll #3: Roll the single remaining die. Add all three kept numbers for your round’s score.
  3. Tally Your Trip: After everyone’s had a turn, complete a round. Play the decided number of rounds.
  4. The Winner: Player with the highest score after all the rounds wins!

8. Run for It

Don’t let the simple concept of Run for It fool you. It’s a game where luck plays a big part, but smart re-rolls and knowing when to quit can be the key to victory. Perfect for those who like a little risk with their dice rolls!

  • A dice game that’s all about building the longest possible straight.
  • Combines luck with a push-your-luck element for extra excitement.
  • Perfect if you like a little risk with your dice rolling!

What You’ll Need

  • Six dice
  • Two or more players ready to chase those straights
  • Score sheet (or pen and paper)

How to Play

  1. Roll for a Straight: Start by rolling all six dice. Your goal is to build a straight (or “run”) of numbers starting with 1 (like 1-2-3 or 1-2-3-4).
  2. Score Your Run: Each die in your straight is worth 5 points. You can have multiple straights per roll, but dice can only be used once!
  3. Push Your Luck (Optional): If your roll isn’t perfect, you can choose to re-roll some of the leftover dice to try for a longer straight. But be careful – if you don’t roll at least one 1, your turn ends, and you score zero!
  4. Race to 100: Keep taking turns, banking points after each successful roll. The first player to reach 100 points wins!

9. Yahtzee

Don’t be fooled by the simple dice – Yahtzee offers a surprising amount of decision-making! Choose your scoring categories wisely, push your luck for big rolls, and outsmart your opponents to claim victory.

  • A classic dice game that’s a perfect blend of luck and strategic decision-making.
  • The goal is to score the most points by rolling specific combinations with five dice.
  • Great for family game nights, friendly competitions, or even solo play!

What You’ll Need

  • Five standard six-sided dice
  • Yahtzee scorecards (you can find these online or make your own)
  • Pen or pencil

How to Play

  1. Roll and Choose: On your turn, you get up to three rolls to achieve the best possible combination for the round.
    • Roll #1: Roll all five dice.
    • Roll #2 & 3 (Optional): Decide which dice to keep (“keepers”) and re-roll the rest to improve your hand.
  2. Score Your Roll: After your final roll, you MUST choose a category on your scoresheet and score your dice accordingly.
    • Examples: Three 4s would score in the “Fours” category, while 1-2-3-4-5 fits the “Large Straight” category.
  3. Take Turns: Play goes clockwise. Each player gets 13 rounds to fill in all the categories on their scorecard.
  4. The Winner Add up all your scores in each category. The player with the highest total wins!

Essential Yahtzee Terms

  • Yahtzee: Five of the same kind! This is the highest-scoring roll.
  • Upper Section: Categories for scoring specific numbers (Aces, Twos, Threes, etc.)
  • Lower Section: Categories for combinations like Full House, Straight, Chance.

10. Shut the Box

Don’t underestimate the simple premise of Shut the Box! With just a few dice and numbered tiles, this game offers endless replayability and a surprising amount of strategic depth. It’s a perfect choice for casual game nights or solo challenges.

  • A dice game that’s a mix of luck, strategy, and a dash of friendly competition.
  • Perfect for family game nights, pub hangouts, or even turning it into a betting game!
  • The goal is simple: be the first to “shut the box” by flipping down all the number tiles.

What You Need

  • The Board: A special Shut the Box game board featuring numbered tiles (1-9 or 1-12). Alternatively, you can get creative by using pieces of paper with numbers and removing them as you play!
  • Dice: Two standard six-sided dice.

How to Play

  1. Roll the Dice: On your turn, roll both dice.
  2. Match and Flip: Add the dice together and try to “cover” that number or a combination of numbers that add up to it.
    • Example: You roll a 3 and a 5. You can flip down the 8 tile, OR a combination like the 2, 3, and 3 tiles.
  3. Keep Going (or Not): If you can still make a match, keep rolling! If not, your turn ends.
  4. Shut the Box!: If you can flip down all the numbered tiles, you’ve “shut the box” and win the round.

The Competitive Twist

  • Everyone Pays to Play: Throw in some stakes – everyone puts a bit of money into a pot.
  • Lowest Score Wins: Instead of a single winner, the player who “shuts the box” in the fewest number of rolls wins the whole pot!

11. Liar’s Dice

Liar’s Dice is a fun and suspenseful game that combines bluffing and strategy. It’s best played with a group of friends, ideally between 3 to 8 people.  The goal is to be the last player remaining with dice!

Here’s how to play Liar’s Dice:

  1. Gear Up: You’ll need 5 dice and a cup (or shaker) per player.
  2. Roll for First Place: Decide who starts by having a simple dice roll-off.
  3. Secret Rolls: Everyone secretly rolls their five dice.
  4. Bidding Time: The first player makes a bid. This bid consists of a number and a face value. For instance, a bid could be “four sixes.” This means the player claims there are at least four sixes among all the players’ dice (including their own). In Liar’s Dice, ones are wild and can be used as any other number.
  5. Challenge or Raise the Stakes: The next player in line can either challenge the bid (call bluff) or increase it.
    • To raise the bid, you must make it more difficult to achieve than the previous bid. You can either raise the number of dice (while keeping the same face value) or raise the face value of the dice (while keeping the same number).
  6. Calling Bluff: If a player suspects a bid is a lie, they can call bluff. In this case, all players reveal their dice to see if the bidder truly has the amount they claimed.
    • If the bidder doesn’t have the dice they boasted about, they lose one die, and the next round starts with them.
    • On the other hand, if the bidder actually has more dice of the value they announced than they originally said, then the challenger loses a die, and the next round starts with them.
  7. Last Dice Standing Wins: The game continues in a clockwise direction until only one player has dice remaining. That lucky player is the champion!

Liar’s Dice is a blast to play with a group of friends. It’s a game that is easy to learn but challenging to master, so get ready to bluff, roll, and see who comes out on top!

Wrapping It Up

Now that you’re armed with all these awesome dice game options, it’s time to get those dice rolling! Whether you’re looking for family-friendly fun, strategic challenges, or a little bit of playful competition, there’s a dice game out there for everyone. Gather your friends and get ready for some unforgettable game nights!